The course starts on Monday. Every day I'll be sending you an email that will take you one step closer to your goal. With each email there will be a few tips that you can implement into your training IMMEDIATELY.

Before we get into the lessons, write down your goal and take a pic.

I’m not a fan on the scale – it can be VERY misleading. We’re going to get ripped in this course. That may mean you putting on a few pounds of muscle while losing fat at the same time… So the scale won’t move like you’d think it would, but your body WILL change.

You’ll see it in the mirror.

So take a picture now – BEFORE we start the course. 

Then, as we progress you’ll be able to see YOUR progress. 

So get that picture taken. Get your goal written down on a piece of paper. And I’ll talk to you on Monday.

Be Legendary,

Chad Howse

PS. This course took my over 6 months of hard work to create. There are videos, programs, meal tips, supplement tricks, and everything you need to reach your goal, specifically for who YOU ARE.

This is a course that’s specifically tied to where you are in life and your goals, so enjoy!