MYTH #1: The Training Myth Keeping You Skinny, Weak, & Fat

How to Get & Stay Skinny Fat

Cardio is your enemy.

Alright, enough of the overtly bold statements that try and persuade you with fear rather than fact. But the fact really is, that going for runs isn’t going to get you the body you want, yet, it’s the thing we all do when we try and ‘get back in shape’.

It also isn’t going to get you in ‘the shape’ you want. Am I saying don’t go for runs? No. I think they’re great (although there are a few setbacks I’ll talk about in a bit), but there needs to be a balance of weight training and sprinting in there as well.

Jogging alone will not get you in great shape. You need to lift weights. You need to get into the gym – or at the very least find a bodyweight training routine that you can follow a minimum of 3 days a week. And those setbacks I mentioned with regards to jogging?

1. It’s bad for your back.

When compared with the fluid motion of a sprint, the jog or run places much more of a pounding on your lower back and knees. A sprint is a glide with the front half of our foot touching the ground. In a jog, our heels absorb the impact of what is more than our bodyweight in poundage.

2. Jogging effects you negatively in a hormonal sense.

Cortisol, the muscle-burning, bone-discintegrating hormone is released during prolonged exercise – like runs.

Sprinting, on the other hand, results in the release of human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone – two hormones that man need if we’re going to get in great shape and build our ideal body. Not only that, but for our success in other areas of life as well. Sprinting is good for our energy levels and ability to focus.

3. Jogging makes you skinny fat.

When compared with sprinting and lifting weights, jogging creates an environment in our bodies (like I just mentioned in point #2) where our bodies burn muscle and store fat. In short, we’re creating the ‘perfect storm’ for the creation, and sustaining of, a skinny-fat physique.

Lifting weights and sprinting help us build and maintain muscle even when our calories are low, due to the hormonal benefits I mentioned in point #2.

Accompanied with proper nutrition we can help our bodies naturally raise HGH and testosterone levels while lowering cortisol levels. The nutrition techniques will be shown in a few days, for now, find some balance in your jogging –> sprinting/weight lifting ratio.

But what about our lungs and heart health?

Have you ever been on a sprinting routine? I mean one with structure and progression? They’re tough! And what about weight lifting? When you combine upper and lower movements, your lungs are spent. They feel like they’re too small.

With the sprinting routine I’m going to show you in the coming days (I’m actually giving you a portion of the sprinting routine of the PowerHowse Challenge – the program that helped me get in the best shape of my life), you’ll attack your aerobic as well as anaerobic systems. You’ll burn fat, maintain and even gain muscle, effect your body positively hormonally, and get in great shape.

But the myth needs to end now. Stop using jogging as your main focus for getting in great shape.

Do you have to stop it all-together? No. At the very least have a jog:sprint ration of 1:1, and get in that weight room at least 3-4 times a week. I’ll be telling you why this is so important for guys like you and I in the coming days as well (most likely next week).

Until then.

Be Legendary

Chad Howse