Packing on lean muscle isn’t the most complicated thing to do on the planet. The rules are rather simple. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy, because it isn’t.

You need to Bust Your Butt in the gym to see good gains.

This meal guide will help you recover, keep your gains lean, and grow muscle.

The following meal guide will follow a schedule where the trainee works out in the evening. If you work out in the morning, the same principles will apply, just move your meals around to adjust to the different training time.

Macronutrient breakdown:

Around 25% p (protein), 55%c (carbs), 20%f (fat)



1 serving meat – example: 4 strips turkey bacon

1 cup assorted berries

4 whole eggs

Power Shake 1

Almond milk – enough for one serving

1 cup assorted berries

2 scoops whey protein – Click Here for the Best Whey Protein

3 fish oil pills – Click Here for the Best Fish Oil Supplement

Pre Workout Meal

1 cup oatmeal + mixed fruit

1 serving fish or other source of lean protein

1 serving vegetables

During Workout Protocol:

BCAAs: 5 grams before, 20 grams during, 10 grams post (mixed w/ post-workout shake).

Get Your BCAAs HERE <========

Post Workout Shake

*Taken within 15 minutes of finishing your workout.

Post Workout Meal

1 serving carbohydrates of your choice. This is a good time to cheat. Have white rice, white pasta, or brown, your choice.

1 serving lean protein (keep fats low). Pasta with chicken is always a good option.

Before Bed Snack/Supplements (raise Testosterone Levels)

*Note: also take up to 6 vitamin C pills spread throughout the day as evenly as possible.